International social organization Rotary Club of Bali Lovina and SMK N3 Singaraja
Having collaboration with social organization Yayasan Nagaloka Denpasar founded by Bapak I Nyoman Bagiarta emerged some possibilities of improving the education in Buleleng. It had been proved by connecting SMK N3 singaraja with a generous Donator from Swiss Foundation who in Indonesia represented by Ms. Charlotte. The running project held in SMK N3 Singaraja carried out the renovation of the facilities in Electrical Workshop and Training for teachers/instructors, and accomplished certification training for 30 trainees coming from the graduates of SMK N 3 and workers and pre-workers of electricity from regencies in Bali.
The improvement yielded in the project spurring Ms. Charlotte to invite Rotary Club of Bali Lovina to share their awareness to students of SMK N3 singaraja which noted 16,24 % of 1600 students admitted by students of poor family.
The visit was made on September, the 21st 2011 by the member of Rotary Club of Bali Lovina accompanied by Ms.Charlotte and Mr. I Nyoman Bagiarta ( founder of Yayasan Nagaloka ), and welcomed by the management of SMK N 3 singaraja.
Brief speech delivered by the headmaster of SMK N 3 singaraja Drs. I Nyoman Suastika,M.Pd. describing about the history of how the collaboration was established. The project presentation prepared by The head of the Project Mr. I Gst Made Putera,M.Pd and delivered by Nyoman Artaya ( International Relation staff ). The presentation was followed by visitation to the electrical workshop and classroom which had been renovated with the donation and share from the school committee.
The visit was closed at the lunch time by having lunch together at the Ranggon sunset restaurant ,Buleleng harbor. Small discussion during that social gathering comprising ideas that will be revealed in two weeks. Even though still in consideration of the team, one of them proposed to endow spectacles to students who have defective sight. The endowment planned to cover 5% of the total students which are about 80 students.
Well , we wait and see.